Changes in nutritional recommendations for a healthy population and their influence on a diabetic diet

Authors: Michal Anděl;  Ludmila Brunerová;  Pavel Dlouhý;  Jan Polák;  Jan Gojda;  Pavel Kraml
Authors‘ workplace: Centrum pro výzkum diabetu, metabolizmu a výživy Ústavu výživy 3. LF UK a II. interní kliniky 3. LF UK a FN Královské Vinohrady, Praha
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2016; 62(7-8): 539-546
Category: Reviews


Recently, thousands of papers brought knowledge about effects of nutrients on cellular level, in experimental animals and in human experiments on one side, the results of epidemiological studies on the other side have suggested the nutrients and foods for healthy diet and nutrients and foods, which should be consumed only in limited amount. Among foods, which should be avoided, those with higher content of trans-fatty acids. Their daily intake should not exceed 1 % of total energy intake. Similar should be limited saturated fatty acid, added sugar and salt. On the contrary, the intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in foods should be basic part of fat intake. In these conditions the amount of consumed fat could create up to 35 % of all daily energy intake. Beneficial carbohydrates are those with low glycemic index, i.e. whole grain and brown rice products and legumes. The intake of salt is necessary to limit fewer than 6 g per day and alcohol intake should not exceed 10 g per day in women and 20 g per day in men. The recommendation in last years do not limit cholesterol daily intake. The food of animal origin with high content of saturated fatty acids, i.e. meat and milk products parallel contains also cholesterol. On the other hand, the oils of vegetable origin mostly from tropical oils, which contents high amount of saturated fatty acids represents the risk? On the contrary eggs and shellfish contents high amount of cholesterol and very low amounts of saturated fatty acids. Therefore, there is no reason for their strict limitation in the diet.

Key words:
carbohydrate – diabetes – dietary recommendation – energy intake – fat – healthy diet – iron – cholesterol – protein


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 7-8

2016 Issue 7-8
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