The relation between nutritional risk category identified by the modified Nutritional Screening 2002 and mortality in metabolic intensive care unit

Authors: J. Masopust;  J. Kratochvíl;  V. Martínková;  J. Charvát
Authors‘ workplace: Interní klinika 2. lékařské fakulty UK a FN Motol Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. Milan Kvapil, CSc., MBA
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2008; 54(9): 817-820
Category: Original Contributions


The presence of malnutrition is connected with the significantly higher mortality and morbidity. Its early detection is very important for the institution of nutriti on interventi on that has favo urable impact on pati ent’s prognosis. The nutriti on screening is the simple and fast way of nutriti on risk assessment. The aim of o ur study was to evalu ate the relati on of the modifi ed Nutriti on Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002) with mortality of pati ents admitted to metabolic intensive care unit (MICU) in prospective study.

Nutriti on screening has been examined in all the pati ents admitted to MICU over half ye ar peri od since Janu ary till June 2006. According to the screening result the pati ents were divided into three gro ups: with low, moderate and high nutriti on risk. The relati on of nutriti on screening result with mortality in MICU was statistically evalu ated.

Data of 291 pati ents admitted to MICU have been collected. The modifi ed nutriti on screening reve aled low risk in 130 (45%), moderate risk in 111 (38%) and high nutriti on risk in 50 (17%) pati ents. 28 pati ents (9.6%) di ed during stay in MICU. 3 pati ents (2.3%) with low, 10 (9%) with moderate and 15 (30%) with high nutriti on risk passed away in MICU (p < 0.001).

Conclusi on:
The significant relati on between the grade of nutriti on risk evalu ated by modifi ed NRS 2002 and mortality in MICU has been fo und in o ur study.

Key words:
nutriti on screening –  mortality –  intensive care


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 9

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