Spiritual care for the elderly in a hospital setting: a path to forgiveness and reconciliation

Authors: Marta Hošťálková 1;  Milena Bretšnajdrová 2
Authors‘ workplace: JSME BLÍZKO VÁM – Institut klinické pastorační péče, z. ú. 1;  Oddělení geriatrie, 2. interní klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc 2
Published in: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2021, 10, č. 4: 220-225
Category: Original Article


Introduction: Spiritual care for the elderly focuses on saturating their existential, spiritual, and religious needs. It consists of an individual approach, active listening, and conversations with respect for the autonomy and personal values of each elderly patient. Its provider is a hospital chaplain. The aim of the contribution is to show the importance of spiritual care for the elderly in a hospital setting.

Methods: A qualitative method, casuistic, was chosen to carry out the research. Two research questions have been identified: Which spiritual themes do elderly patients in spiritual care consider most important? What meaningfully powerful moments, given the personnel relationships, the situations created and the exposed context, entail the spiritual accompaniment of elderly patients? A narrative testimony from a hospital chaplain spiritually accompanying a patient of 76 years was used to collect the data.

Results: Analysis of the patient’s situation revealed that the most important spiritual values in old age were forgiveness and reconciliation. Nurses, a priest, a husband and, above all, a hospital chaplain helped her on her way to achieving them.

Conclusion: In geriatrics, interprofessional cooperation with other medical and non-medical disciplines across the resorts is encouraged. One of these fields is spiritual care, which monitors the fulfillment of spiritual needs, especially the need for forgiveness and reconciliation in the sick elderly.


senior – hospital chaplain – spiritual needs – forgiveness – reconciliation


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prosthetics

Article was published in

Geriatrics and Gerontology

Issue 4

2021 Issue 4
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