Konzervativní léčení seniorů s chronickým onemocněním ledvin ve stadiu CKD 3b a vyšším

Authors: V. Teplan;  E. Topinková
Published in: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2017, 6, č. 1: 16-22
Category: Review Article


In last decades remarkable increase in numbers of old patients with chronic kidney disease was confirmed. Despite new developments in dialysis technology and kidney transplantation there is a growing number of patients with chronic comorbidities and disabilities for whom these methods are not preferable. Recently published data show long – term effect of protein restricted diet supplemented with keto amino acids. Conservative management therefore can remarkably increase prognosis and quality of life for these high risk renal patients in stage C3b and higher.

chronic kidney disease – conservative management– low protein diet – keto amino acids


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prosthetics

Article was published in

Geriatrics and Gerontology

Issue 1

2017 Issue 1
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