The impact of physiotherapy on self-sufficiency of geriatric patients

Authors: Mgr. Renata Furmaníková 1;  PhDr. Elena Žiaková Phd 2
Authors‘ workplace: Rehab Zentrum Stadlau, physikalisches Institut GmbH, Wien 1;  Fakulta ošetrovateľstva a zdravotníckych odborných štúdií, Katedra fyzioterapie, SZU, Bratislava 2
Published in: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2013, 2, č. 3: 115-121
Category: Original Article/Study


In the article we deal with the issue of physiotherapy in geriatric patients. The principal aim of our work was to assess the impact of rehabilitation therapy on the rate of improvement of autonomy and functional independence of geriatric patients. The survey was conducted at an after-treatment department. The study included 131 hospitalised geriatric patients, among whom 46 were men (35,11 %) and 85 were women (64,89 %). The average age of men was 74,65 (SD = 9,29) years and the average age of women was 79,18 (SD = 7,23) years. We used the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) as our evaluation tool. Before starting the treatment we gave the patients an entrance FIM test and the process of rehabilitation interventions was recorded on the accompanying form. At the end of hospitalization we gave the patients the final output FIM test. For the statistical assessment we used Mann-Whitney’s U test and Wilcoxon’s matched pair test. Results showed us that by physiotherapy we can influence the individual activities of daily life (ADL - Activities of Daily Living), increase the rate of functional independence and improve self-sufficiency of geriatric patients in terms of basic daily activities. In hospitalized geriatric patients we confirm the need for comprehensive therapy, including physiotherapy.

geriatrics – FIM – physiotherapy – self-sufficiency – disability – ADL


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prosthetics

Article was published in

Geriatrics and Gerontology

Issue 3

2013 Issue 3
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