Methods of non-pharmacological treatment in rheumatoid arthritis

Authors: G. Kuriplachová 1;  L. Kendrová 2;  A. Hudáková 1;  A. Lengyelová 1;  A. Dvorožňáková 3
Authors‘ workplace: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov, Dekanka: doc. PhDr. Štefánia Andraščíková, PhD. MPH ;  Katedra ošetrovateľstva, Vedúca: PhDr. Terézia Fertaľová, PhD. 1;  Katedra fyzioterapie, Vedúca: PhDr. Lucia Kendrová, PhD. 2;  FNsP J. A. Reimana v Prešove, Klinika ortopédie, Primár: MUDr. Igor Smolko, PhD. MHA MBA 3
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2020; 100(3): 134-139
Category: Of different specialties


Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease developed in joints and joint-related changes. It negatively affects human body structure and functional abilities. Almost 1% of developed country’s population sufferers from this disease are mostly women. Etiology of this disease is yet unknown. Many factors contribute to its development. The efficiency of pharmacological treatment is enhanced by non-pharmacological treatment, which allows maintaining and restoring optimal function of the locomotive system. This includes remission minimizing the level of symptomatic medicated treatment, or even delaying surgery. This review study deals with effects of non-pharmacological treatment and its results on the sufferers with rheumatoid arthritis.


rheumatoid arthritis – Physiotherapy – pharmacological treatment – non-pharmacological treatment


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General Practitioner

Issue 3

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