Survival after resection of oesophageal cancer

Authors: J. Šafránek 1;  J. Geiger 1;  J. Šebek 1;  P. Hošek 2
Authors‘ workplace: Univerzita Karlova v Praze Lékařská fakulta v Plzni ;  Chirurgická klinika Přednosta: prof. MUDr. Vladislav Třeška, DrSc. 1;  Biomedicínské centrum Vědecký ředitel: doc. MUDr. Milan Štengl, Ph. D. 2
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2018; 98(2): 69-72
Category: Of different specialties


A retrospective analysis of a set of patient after resection of the oesophagus for carcinoma in a period of 5 years, from the point of view of the survival time for the type and stage of the carcinoma, was performed. The patients underwent open procedures, thoracolaparotomies, or two-hole procedures with anastomoses in the chest, or, possibly, cervical circular stapler anastomoses.

Total of 71 patients was operated on for carcinoma, 50 of them underwent surgeries for adenocarcinoma, and 20 patients were operated for squamous-cell carcinoma and 1 for a non-differentiated form of carcinoma. 30-day mortality recorded was 7.9%. The average hospital stay was 21 days (10–99 days). Relaparotomy was performed in 4 cases, rethoracotomy was needed in 6 cases and tracheostomy was necessary in 9 cases, all of them for the reason of postoperative complications. Anastomosis insufficiency was recorded in 5 cases (6.6%). 3-year survival in the 5-year file was 28.4% (11.5–45.3%), which was 29.6% for adenocarcinoma and 23.2% for squamous-cell carcinoma. No significant difference in survival was found in the group of adenocarcinoma patients (50) versus squamous-cell carcinoma patients (20) p = 0.413, node affection N0 (24) vs. higher N (40): p = 0.288, and the carcinoma stages I (12), II (16) and III and higher (41), p = 0.671.

The prognosis of oesophageal carcinoma despite radical surgery remains unfavorable, in our set it was not statistically significantly influenced by TMN classification, nor the type of carcinoma.

oesophageal carcinoma – overall survival – complications


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General Practitioner

Issue 2

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