Health status of foreigners registered at general practitioners in Ostrava

Authors: H. Tomášková 1,2;  J. Vavrošová 1;  S. Petříková 1
Authors‘ workplace: Ostravská Univerzita v Ostravě Lékařská fakulta Ústav epidemiologie a ochrany veřejného zdraví Vedoucí: prof. MUDr. Vladimír Janout, CSc. 1;  Zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Ostravě Centrum zdravotních služeb Vedoucí: MUDr. Anna Šplíchalová, Ph. D. 2
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2017; 97(2): 67-72
Category: Of different specialties


Since 1989, the number of foreigners living in the Czech Republic has multiplied and the foreigners represent 4% of inhabitants in the Czech Republic. The objective of the study was to determine the way how the foreigners use health care provided by GPs in Ostrava, and to determine their health status detected on the basis of GPs‘ medical records.

The survey was based on information from the questionnaires filled in by general practitioners. A total of 51 general practitioners participated in the survey in Ostrava and the data of 386 foreigners was obtained. The queste statistionnaire included 27 questions, concerning demographic data, communicative ability, life style and health status. Data analyses were performed using the descriptivics, χ>2-test, logistic regression and the method of decision trees. Statistical tests were evaluated at a significance level of 5%. Data analyses were carried out using the SW Stata. v. 13.

In terms of the distribution of all 386 respondents, up to 50% (193) of all foreigners were from Vietnam, followed by Slovaks 21% and Poles (7%). The health status of 39 % foreigners was identified as bad (they suffered from some kind of chronic illness or other serious illness). Health status was affected (after adjustment for age and sex) by ethnic group, the risk for Vietnamese was significantly higher compared with groups of Slovaks and Poles. Another risk factor was accounted for obesity. The regular participation in preventive examinations was observed in 49% of foreigners.

Information was obtained only from 4% of the total number of foreigners residing in the region of Ostrava, which means that primary medical care is received only by a low percentage of foreigners. The cause can be “healthy immigrant effect” and/or the unavailability of health insurance.

foreigners – general practitioners – health status – risk factors – preventive health examinations


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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

General Practitioner

Issue 2

2017 Issue 2
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