Subliminal perception, medicine and addictive diseases

Authors: K. Nešpor
Authors‘ workplace: Psychiatrická léčebna Bohnice, Praha ;  Ředitel: MUDr. Martin Hollý ;  Odděleni léčby závislostí – muži
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2012; 92(2): 109-110
Category: Of different specialties


Stimuli entering the brain can affect the physical and emotional state, even if a person is not aware of them. Subliminal perception is used in advertising, but it occurs also unintentionally in everyday life. This often represents a considerable health risk. However, there is also the possibility to use subliminal perception therapeutically.

Key words:
Subliminal perception, addictive diseases, suggestion, therapy.


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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

General Practitioner

Issue 2

2012 Issue 2
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