Current possibilities of publishing the results of nursing research

Authors: S. Bártlová 1;  I. Pfeifer 1;  J. Hercová 2
Authors‘ workplace: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích Rektorka: prof. Ing. Magdalena Hrabánková, CSc., prof. h. c. Zdravotně sociální fakulta Děkanka: prof. PhDr. Valérie Tóthová, PhD. Katedra ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence Vedoucí: doc. PhDr. Sylva Bártlová, 1;  Národní lékařská knihovna, Praha Ředitelka: PhDr. Helena Bouzková Rešeršní oddělení Vedoucí: Mgr. Jana Hercová 2
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(7): 412-416
Category: Of different specialties


In order to explain the current possibilities of publishing the results of nursing research, a survey was performed relating to the number of journals with an impact factor (IF) from the field of nursing research and its development over recent years and the number of reviewed (non-impacted) journals dealing with this topic in the Czech Republic. Within the survey, the method of analysis of written documents was used. The numbers of journals with IF from the area of nursing research were found in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database located in two editions in which nursing research is studied

– JCR Science Edition (Sci. Ed.) and

– JCR Social Edition (Soc. Sci. Ed.).

The reviewed non-impacted journals were studied according to the List of Inland Reviewed Non-Impacted Journals published by the Council for Science and Research. There is no journal listed that is devoted solely to nursing and nursing research. In the list for 2010, two journals are given which are concerned with health care professions where nursing is mentioned as a priority

– “Kontakt”, a professional and scientific journal for health and social problems, and

– Profession On-Line, an electronic journal aimed at professionals in nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, radiological assistance and other health care specialties.

While, at the international level, there has been an extraordinary increase of impacted journals dealing with nursing research, which significantly exceeds the increase in other medical specialties and which was virtually doubled in 2005 – 2008, the number of Czech reviewed journals dealing with nursing research continues to be low. Appropriate attention should be paid to nursing research in order both to develop nursing research and to introduce a new system of financing for this research.

Key words:
database, impact factor, nursing research, reviewed journal.


1. Bártlová, S., Sadílek, P., Tóthová, V. Výzkum a ošetřovatelství. 2. přeprac. a dopl. vyd. Brno: NCO NZO, 2008, 185 s.

2. Journal Citation Reports. Science Edition, Social Science Edition. Thomson Reuters.

3. King, M., et al. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research. Edmonton, Canada, September, 1993.

4. Rada pro výzkum, vývoj a inovace. Metodika hodnocení výsledků výzkumu a vývoje [on-line]. Dostupné na:


5. Misconiová, B. K článku autorů V. Pacovského a D. Juráskové „Potřebujeme (také) vysokoškolsky vzdělané sestry?“ Čas. Lék. čes. 2005, 144(7), s. 499-500.

6. Pacovský, V., Jurásková, D. Potřebujeme (také) vysokoškolsky vzdělané sestry? Čas. Lék. čes. 2005, 144(7), s. 497-498.

7. Program rezortního výzkumu a vývoje (www.mzcr.cz/odbornik/dokumenty/resortniprogram-vyzkumu a vyvoje-mz-ii-na-leta-1718-9943.html

8. Rada pro výzkum, vývoj a inovace. Seznam recenzovaných (neimpaktovaných) domácích časopisů [on-line]. Dostupné na http://www. vyzkum.cz/ FrontClanek.aspx?idsekce=495942

9. Statut IGA MZ ČR. (www.mzcr. cz/odbornik/ obsah/statut-a-jedinci-rad-iga-mz

10. Strategické dokumenty pro všeobecné sestry a porodní asistentky (4) Povědomí o výzkumu v praxi sestry a porodní asistentky. Praha: MZ ČR, 2002. 118s.

General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

General Practitioner

Issue 7

2011 Issue 7
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