Prevention of lung cancer due to radon

Authors: A. Lajčíková 1;  J. Thomas 2
Authors‘ workplace: Státní zdravotní ústav, Praha Ředitelka: Ing. Jitka Sosnovcová 1;  Státní ústav radiační ochrany, Praha Ředitel: Ing. Radim Filgas 2
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2010; 90(4): 243-246
Category: Of different specialties


The Czech Ministry of Health accepted the recommendation of the World Health Organisation from September 2009 about the need to develop a comprehensive radon programme to reduce the population’s overall lung cancer risk as well as the individual risk for people living in areas with high radon concentrations. A similar programme was launched in the Czech Republic in the 1980s, later followed with the first radon Decree No. 76/1991 Coll issued by the Ministry of Health. Subsequently this matter has fallen within the competence of the State Office for Nuclear Safety.

Upon the appeal of the WHO, the Ministry of Health will be co-operating on the Radon Programme for the years 2010 – 2019 organised under Government Resolution No. 594 of the 4th of May, 2009. Within the framework of this programme, the Ministry of Health will be encouraging general practitioners to acquaint themselves with the local radon situation and apply their influence to increase the public and individual awareness of the associated health risk. The paper summarizes basic information about radon and specifies resources for further study.

Key words:
radon, smoking, lung cancer, radon prone areas, awareness of radon risk, public information.


1. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk to Humans. MMMF and Radon. Lyon, France: IARC, vol. 43, 1988.

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3. Vyhláška MZČR č. 76/1991 Sb., o požadavcích na omezování ozáření z radonu a dalších přírodních radionuklidů.

4. WHO Handbook on Indoor Radon. Geneva: WHO, 2009, 110 s.

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6. Darby, S.C., Hill, D., Deo, H. et al. Residential radon and lung cancer – detailed results of a collaborative analysis of individual data on 7148 persons with lung cancer and 14 208 persons without lung cancer from 13 epidemiologic studies in Europe. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health. 2006, 32, suppl 1, p. 1-80.

7. Jiránek, M. Opatření proti radonu ve stávajících budovách. Praha: SÚJB, 2000, 45 s.

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9. Neznal, M., Neznal, M. Ochrana staveb proti radonu. Praha: Grada, 2009, 104 s.

10. Thomas, J. Radon v bytě. In: Manuál prevence v lékařské praxi, díl III. Prevence nepříznivého působení vlivů obytného prostředí na zdraví. Praha: SZÚ, 1996, 112 s.

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12. Tomášek, L. Czech miner studies of lung cancer risk from radon. J. Radiol. Prot. 2002, 22, p. 107-112.

General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

General Practitioner

Issue 4

2010 Issue 4
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