Klippel-Trenaunay's Syndrome (Case-report)

Klippelov-Trenaunayov syndróm

Autorky prezentujú prípad 47-ročnej pacientky, u ktorej v tomto veku bol diagnostikovaný HIippelov-Trenaunayov syndróm.Pacientka mala prítomné kožné prejavy v zmysle naevus flammeus na lavej hornej a dolnej končatine, aj na lavej strane trupu. V teréne tomto výrazne erytematózneho až lividneho névu bolí prítomné početné angiómy. Zmeny skeletu sa prejavovali asymetriou dolných končatín. Paradoxne sa nejednalo o hypertrofiu postihnutej končatiny, ale o hypotrofiu kontralaterálnej končatiny. Pomocnými vyšetreniami bolí zistené prejavy chronickej radikulárnej lézie Sl vpravo. Všetky ostatně vyšetrenia so zameraním sa na orgánové postihnutie bolí negatívne. Pacientka je v dispenzárnej starostlivosti.

Klíčová slova:
HIippelov-Trenaunayov syndróm - naevus flammeus - angiómy - asymetrie končatín.

Authors: J. Baloghová ;  J. Jautová
Authors‘ workplace: Kožná klinika LF UPJŠ, Košice, prednostka doc. MUDr. J. Jautová, PhD.
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2001; (11): 635-636


The authors present the tase of a 47-year-old female patient where at this age HIippel-Trenaunaýs syndrome was diagnosed.The patient had dermal manifestations such as naevus flammeus on the left upper and lower extremity and the left side of the trunk. In the area of this markedly erythematous or livid naevus multiple angiomas were present. Skeletal changes were manifested by asymmetry of the lower extremities, paradoxically hypotrophy of the affected extremity was not involved bot hypertrophy of the contralateral extremity. Auxiliary examinations revealed, manifestations of radicular Sl lesions on the right side. All the examinations focused on organ affected were negative. The patient is under dispensary care.

Key words:
HIippel-Trenaunay's syndrome - naevus flammeus - angioma - asymmetry of the extremities.

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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

General Practitioner

2001 Issue 11
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