Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid in postcholecystectomy cholestatic hepatopathy verified by ultrasonography

Authors: Demková K. 1;  Jr Varga T. 2;  Tokarčík J. 1;  Rudnay M. 3;  Šafčák D. 4
Authors‘ workplace: IV. interná klinika LF UPJŠ a UNLP Košice 1;  INTERNÉ – MUDr. VARGOVÁ T., s. r. o., Kráľovský Chlmec 2;  Oddelenie rádiodia­gnostiky a zobrazovacích metód LF UPJŠ a UNLP Košice 3;  Klinika rádioterapie a onkológie LF UPJŠ a VOÚ, a. s., Košice 4
Published in: Gastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(6): 545-549
Category: Hepatology: case report
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccgh2021545


Cholestasis syndrome is accompanied by a large number of diverse liver and biliary tract diseases. Many cholestatic changes are fully reversible in the first phase. However, with long-term cholestasis, extensive hepatocyte dysfunction occurs, the disease progresses, and many cholestatic syndromes result in irreversible liver damage and failure. Cholestatic liver diseases represent an important group of liver diseases that are an indication for liver transplantation. Postcholecystectomy syndrome is an imprecisely defined term, which includes a set of ongoing or recurrent or new difficulties of patients after gallbladder surgery. We distinguish between early postcholecystectomy syndrome immediately in the postoperative period, or late postcholecystectomy syndrome, which occurs months or even years later. Ultrasonography is the first imaging examination method for diseases of the liver and hepatobiliary system. It is a non-invasive method, available, relatively cheap, easily repeatable, and it does not represent a burden for the patient. Common bile duct dilatation after cholecystectomy is a common accidental finding that is inconclusive in the absence of clinical symptomatology and with normal laboratory findings. Ursodeoxycholic acid forms the basis of cholestasis therapy, the only treatment whose efficacy in cholestatic liver disease has been demonstrated in randomized and long-term studies. A further positive is that many years of ursodeoxycholic acid administration are not accompanied by more serious side effects. This case report supports the concept of a prompt and at the same time deepening beneficial effect of ursodeoxycholic acid treatment in patients with cholestatic hepatopathy verified by ultrasonography indicated for conservative treatment or refusing invasive treatment.


ultrasonography – cholestasis – postcholecystectomy syndrome – ursodeoxycholic acid


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Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology Surgery

Article was published in

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Issue 6

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