Heart failure in a patient with cirrhotic cardiomyopathy as an unusual indication for liver transplantation

Authors: Pavlíková P.
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika hepatogastroenterologie, Transplantcentrum, IKEM, Praha
Published in: Gastroent Hepatol 2020; 74(5): 424-427
Category: Hepatology: Case Report


Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy is a heart disease that may develop in patients with significant portal hypertension and concomitant hyperdynamic circulation. It is a rare complication in which the dia­gnosis is difficult and the prognosis is not clear. We present a case of female patient with liver cirrhosis who underwent liver transplantation in 2017 due to repeated heart failure in cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. Before being indicated for liver transplantation, the patient had to be repeatedly and very carefully examined by cardiologist to rule out other primary heart disease. The post-transplantation course was favourable in this patient with good synthetic function of the liver graft. The cardiac status returned to a normal state after 6 months.


cardiomyopathies – liver cirrhosis – portal hypertension – liver transplantation


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Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology Surgery

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Gastroenterology and Hepatology

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