Health risks of endoscopy for endoscopists in the Czech Republic – a pilot study

Authors: R. Kroupa ;  M. Dastych;  J. Prokešová;  Jiří Dolina ;  A. Hep
Authors‘ workplace: Interní gastroenterologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
Published in: Gastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(3): 194-198
Category: Digestive Endoscopy: Original Article


The aim of the pilot study is to examine the frequency of endoscopy related musculoskeletal disorders and other health risks in a set of endoscopists in the country.

Anonymous questionnaires were sent to 70 endoscopists in different re­gions of the Czech Republic via e-mail. The frequency and severity of endoscopy related health problems were recorded.

Completed questionnaires were obtained from 48 (69%) of the endoscopists. The mean duration of professional endoscopy experience was 16 years. The presence of musculoskeletal disorders was revealed by 90% of endoscopists. The most frequent sites of pain were the lower back (52%), the right wrist (27%) and the left thumb (25%). Irritations that could affect the ability to perform endo­scopy were reported by 39% respondents. The treatment of musculoskeletal disorders with drugs or physiotherapy was required in 46% of respondents, and any endoscopy related injury was reported by 46%. Only one-quarter of endoscopists knew their ­Helicobater pylori status.

Endoscopy may be particularly associated with overloading of endoscopists´ arms, with some impact on working capacity. Endoscopy related injuries are not rare. The pilot data can help detect the most important problems as a background for the possible prevention.

Key words:
gastrointestinal endoscopy – musculoskeletal pain – occupational accidents – injuries – prevention


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Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology Surgery
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