Perforated gangrenous cholecystitis

Authors: V. Kaplanová 1;  R. Keil 1;  J. Chudý 1;  M. Roznětinská 1;  D. Benešová 2;  M. Novotný 2;  M. Filau 3;  M. Grega 4
Authors‘ workplace: Interní klinika 2. LF UK a FN v Motole, Praha 1;  Chirurgická klinika 2. LF UK a FN v Motole, Praha 2;  Klinika anesteziologie a resuscitace 2. LF UK a FN v Motole, Praha 3;  Ústav patologie a molekulární medicíny 2. LF UK a FN v Motole, Praha 4
Published in: Gastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(1): 37-38
Category: Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology: Case Report


In this article, the case is reported a 65-year old patient who was hospitalised for fever and abdominal pain. Abdominal ultrasound examination was performed and hilar hepatic tumor suspected and an echocardiography examination revealed pericardial effusion, which was evaluated as a paraneoplastic. Based on the examinations above, cancer was suspected and the patient´s prognosis seems to be fatal. However, through CT examination, a different serious condition was diagnosed; a subhepatic perforation was detected, and during emergency surgery, a perforated gangrenous cholecystitis was detected.

Key words:
liver tumor – cholecystitis

The author declares he has no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.

The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE „uniform requirements“ for biomedical papers.

4. 5. 2012

5. 12. 2012


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Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology Surgery

Article was published in

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Issue 1

2013 Issue 1
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