Andrological factor-the influence of age on the success of assisted reproduction?

Authors: Viera Belušáková;  Michaela Grossová;  Lenka Rybánska;  Jozef Války
Authors‘ workplace: Iscare, Klinika reprodukčnej medicíny, gynekológie a urológie, Bratislava
Published in: Ces Urol 2018; 22(4): 266-274
Category: Original Articles


The study describes a retrospective analysis of spermiogram pathology from assisted reproduction perspective. We analyze the age range of patients undergoing the in vitro fertilization cycle at our workplace over the last 10 years, the effect of age on spermiogram pathology, and the influence of age on the success rate of assisted reproduction cycles. Centres of assisted reproduction are continually trying to increase the success of in vitro fertilization cycles. Attention is now focusing on a more detailed analysis of the influence of male factor on the success of assisted reproduction treatment.


The retrospective analysis of the andrological factor in accordance with the age effects on spermiogram parameters and the success rate of assisted reproduction cycles.


We compared the age of patients undergoing assisted reproduction cycles from the years 2007 and 2017. We evaluated the individual sperm parameters of our patients in accordance with their age. The total sperm concentration, motility and sperm morphology as well as the influence of age on sperm DNA fragmentation were analyzed. Because we needed to minimize the influence of female factor, we made a restriction in the consecutive analysis and selected only respondents from the oocyte donation program. We evaluated the influence of age of males on the success of IVF-ICSI method in couples undergoing assisted reproduction.


Age seems to be a determining factor of the quality of spermiogram in the group of normospermics evaluated by classical spermiogram parameters. The decrease of normospermics in accordance with the age is significant. On the contrary, combinations of the pathologies in spermiogram increase with age. When assessing individual parameters such as total sperm concentration, motility and sperm morphology, there is no significant difference. The conclusions in the analysis of the success of IVF‑ICSI method are controversial, especially with the selection of respondents. However, the difference in the success of the donor program can be attributed to the reparative ability of the „young“ donor oocyte.


Andrological factor, assisted reproduction, success of IVF.


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Paediatric urologist Nephrology Urology

Article was published in

Czech Urology

Issue 4

2018 Issue 4
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