Authors: Petr Morávek;  Miloš Broďák ;  Josef Košina;  Abdulbaset Hafuda;  Petr Prošvic;  Hynek Šafránek;  Petr Morávek jr.
Authors‘ workplace: Urologická klinika FN a LF UK v Hradci Králové
Published in: Ces Urol 2015; 19(1): 56-63
Category: Original Articles


The aim of the study was to compare frequency and severity of complications following radical prostatectomies performed using open surgery between 1993–2012 and a laparoscopic approach between 2008–2012.

The comparison was performed on 100 consecutive open and laparoscopic surgeries. Early and long-term complications were assessed according to the Clavien system classification using the scale I–V.

When evaluating early complications on the Clavien scale II, the laparoscopic approach resulted in a lower number of complications. When comparing complications on the Clavien scale III, no differences were observed between the two groups. No complications were recorded for grade IV and V. No difference was noted when the frequency of late complications was compared between the two surgical techniques.

Both open and laparoscopic approaches to radical prostatectomy were safe and comparable according to the Clavien system for evaluating complications. The laparoscopic approach resulted in a slightly lower incidence of mild complications, grade II, in the early postoperative period. The frequency and severity of more serious complications, grade III, and the late complications were almost the same.

Radical prostatectomy, complications, Clavien system.


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Paediatric urologist Nephrology Urology

Article was published in

Czech Urology

Issue 1

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