Evaluation of erectile dysfunction after robotic assisted radical prostatectomy

Authors: Marek Broul;  Miroslav Štrbavý;  Petr Skála
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika urologie a robotické chirurgie Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Masarykově nemocnici v Ústí nad Labem
Published in: Ces Urol 2014; 18(4): 324-333
Category: Original article


The aim of the study was to analyze the International Index of Erectile Function 5 (IIEF-5) questionnaires, which were filled out by patients treated at the Clinic of Urology and Robotic Surgery from 2008 to 2014 after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP). The study goal was to determine whether erectile function returns to preoperational state and how long the recovery takes. We also wanted to confirm if the recovery of erection depends on the subtype of operation – the nerve-sparing and non nerve-sparing prostatectomy.

During the reporting period we performed 1119 RARP surgeries. Not all the patients agreed to fill out questionnaires. We included patients who agreed to fill out the IIEF-5 questionnaires at each of the scheduled post-operative follow-up visit. Those that did not want to discuss their postoperative erectile dysfunction and those who only agreed to fill out the questionnaire anonymously were not included in the final analysis.

We observed that the erectile function after RARP gradually recovers. None of the patients recovered fully (the same IIEF-5 score and erectile function before and after surgery). The IIEF-5 score after 12 months following the surgery approached the IIEF-5 score before operation. We have proved that the type of surgical procedures (nerve-sparing (single, double) x non nerve-sparing) influences the return of erectile function.

For most middle and higher age men in sexual functions are a normal part of their life. Operative interventions such as RARP may harm these functions. Monitoring of the IIEF-5 score after RARP shows the incidence of erectile dysfunction and its gradual recovering over time.

Key words:
erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer, questionnaire method, International Index of Erectile Function, IIEF-5, prostatectomy, robotic surgery, quality of life.


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Paediatric urologist Nephrology Urology

Article was published in

Czech Urology

Issue 4

2014 Issue 4
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