Positron emission tomography and histology of residual postchemotherapy masses in patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumours

Authors: Jana Grimová 1*;  Tomáš Büchler 1*;  Pavel Fencl 2;  Kateřina Šimonová 2;  Zuzana Donátová 1;  Ludmila Boublíková 1;  Martin Kupec 1;  Jaroslav Jarabák 3;  Roman Zachoval 3;  Jitka Abrahámová 1
Authors‘ workplace: Onkologická klinika Thomayerovy nemocnice a 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, Praha 1;  Oddělení nukleární medicíny a PET centrum, Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha 2;  Urologické oddělení Thomayerovy nemocnice, Praha 3
Published in: Ces Urol 2012; 16(1): 43-49
Category: Original article

*přispěli stejným dílem


The value of using fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) before residual mass resection was studied in patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumours (NSGCTs) after orchiectomy and platinumbased chemotherapy.

Thirty patients with NSGCTs who had been investigated with FDG-PET in the preoperative period were evaluated retrospectively. We have calculated specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of FDG-PET to correctly predictt he presence of viable carcinoma, mature teratoma,and necrotic/ scar tissue in postchemotherapy residual masses.

FDG-PET was evaluated as negative, positive, or inconclusive in 11 (37%), 17 (57%) and 2 (7%) patients, respectively. Histological examination of the resected residual masses showed immature tumour elements, mature teratoma, and no tumour structures in 12 (40%), 11 (37%), and 7(23%) patients, respectively. FDG-PET correctly identified only 50% of lesions with immature tumour elements. FDG-PET was negative in 13/21 (62%) patients with immature elements and/or mature teratoma – histologies that require surgical resection because of high risk of relapse.

Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of FDGPET were insufficient for characterisation of postchemotherapy residual lesions in NSGCT patients. These residual masses should be resected if technically possible regardless of the FDG-PET result.

Key words:
positron emission tomography, testicular cancer, therapy.


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Paediatric urologist Nephrology Urology

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