Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in the management of renal tumours – own experience

Authors: Petr Morávek jr. 1;  Petr Morávek 1;  Petr Dvořák 2;  Petr Hoffmann 2 ;  Jaroslav Pacovský 1;  Pavel Navrátil 1
Authors‘ workplace: Urologická klinika LF UK a FN, Hradec Králové 1;  Radiologická klinika LF UK a FN, Hradec Králové 2
Published in: Ces Urol 2010; 14(2): 104-109
Category: Original article


Evaluation of clinical experience with percutaneous RFA of kidney tumours in the period 2006–2008 and indication for this method.

Material and methods:
Overall 36 kidney tumours in 33 patients were enrolled to the prospective study; 53 RFA operations were carried out. The operation was done by the Star-Burst instrument (RITA Medical system) under CT control under a local anaesthesia. Patients were admitted for a one day hospitalisation. Indications for RFA were serious comorbidities contraindicating open surgery, tumour in anatomically or functionally solitary kidney and tumours in chronicaly insuffitient kidneys. Check-up of renal functions, chest X ray and local tumour kontrol (loss of its opacification and retraction of surrounding tissue on CT with kontrast medium) were used to provide in all patients. Mean follou-up time was 18 months.

One step RFA was successful at 24 tumours (66.66%), the reRFA in 6 month for 12 residues was successful for 7 times (86.1% out of total number of tumours ) and rereRFA in next 6 month was partial successful (partial ablation) at remaining tumor residues. Four patients died (the two from the metastatic tumour, the one from chronic renal insufficiency, the one from comorbidities).

The percutaneous RFA is considered to be a suitable miniinvasive Alternative method of an ablative treatment of a kidney tumour up to size of 4 cm by prenomiate group of patients.

Key words:
kidney tumours, radiofrequency ablation (RFA).


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