The Screening and Brief Intervention Project in Primary Care Pediatric Surgeries with the Aim of Reducing Substance Abuse by Teenagers

Authors: P. Kabíček 1,2;  Š. Sulek 1,2;  L. Mizerová 1;  O. Starostová 3;  L. Wenchich 1;  L. Csémy 4;  J. Knight 5
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika dětského a dorostového lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Zeman, DrSc. 1;  Subkatedra dorostového lékařství IPVZ, Praha ředitel Mgr. et Mgr. R. Gabriel 2;  Cepros (Centrum výzkumu protidrogových služeb a veřejného zdraví), Praha vedoucí E. Čápová, DiS. 3;  Psychiatrické centrum Praha, Praha – Bohnice ředitel prof. MUDr. C. Höschl, DrSc., FRCPsych. 4;  CeASAR – Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research, Harvard Medical School, Children´s Hospital, Boston, Massachusets, USA Prof. J. Knight, MD, Ph. D. 5
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2010; 65 (11): 654-659.
Category: Review


Recent studies show that primary care pediatricians are in a unique position to provide individual counselling in the matter of risky behavior in young people. The best well-known approaches are those focused on the prevention of the abuse of addictive substances. The pediatrician has natural authority over adolescents and the counselling methods are easy to learn in a short time. The pediatrician can point out the negative health consequences of drug abuse. For the most part it is possible to engage in a preventive session alone with the adolescent, without the presence of his/her parents.

The CRAFFT questionnaire is a brief, prevention-focused, simple diagnostic tool used to estimate the extent and severity of drug abuse in children and adolescents. The CRAFFT result is a base for an adequate brief intervention.

The brief intervention can reduce the number of adolescents who abuse drugs as well as the health consequences of drug abuse.

Key words:
drugs, prevention, risky behavior syndrome in adolescence, adolescence, CRAFFT, brief intervention, confidentiality


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents

Article was published in

Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

Issue 11

2010 Issue 11
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