Phenylketonuria in Adolescents and Adult Persons in Slovakia

Fenylketonúria adolescentov a dospelých na Slovensku

Autori predkladajú analýzu súboru pacientov s fenylketonúriou v adolescentom veku a dospelosti v Centre prediagnostiku a liečbu hyperfenylalaninémie v Bratislave.V rámci sledovania sa zamerali na celkový počet pacientov,priemerný vek, rozdelenie podľa pohlavia a veku, frekvenciu kontrol a návštev, analýzu neskorého záchytuochorenia, vzdelania podľa vekových skupín, na liečbu pacientov, typ liečby a výsledky psychologického sledovania.

Klíčová slova:
hyperfenylalaninémia, fenylketonúria adolescentov a dospelých

Authors: O. Ürge 1;  J. Strnová 2;  B. Mosendzová 1
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika laboratórnej medicíny, FNsP akademika L. Dérera, Bratislava1 prednosta prof. MUDr. RNDr. G. Kováč, CSc., MBA Klinika pre deti a dorast A. Getlíka, SZU, NsP sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Bratislava2 prednostka doc. MUDr. K. Furková, CSc.
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2003; (7): 423-425.


The authors present an analysis of a cohort of patients suffering from phenylketonuria during adolescence andat the adult age having been treated in the Center for diagnosis and therapy of hyperphenylalaninemia located inBratislava. Within the framework of the observation the authors paid attention to the number of patients, meanage, distribution according to sex and age, the frequency of control examinations and visits, analysis of the latediagnosis of the disease, education in relation to the age groups, therapy of the patients, type of treatment and theresults of psychological examination.

Key words:
hyperphenylalaninemia, phenylketonuria in adolescents and adult individuals

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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents

Article was published in

Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2003 Issue 7
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