A Trivial Delict – an Unusually Rich Psychopathological Finding

Banálny trestný čin – neobvykle bohatý psychopatologický nález

Autori referujú o klinickom obraze paranoidne-halucinatornej psychózy u 55-ročnej ženy, stíhanej pre trestný čin poškodzovania cudzej veci. Jednalo sa o znalecké, súdne-psychiatrické vyšetrenie. V klinickom obraze dominovali akustické verbálne halucinácie, reflexné halucinácie, Kahlbaumové funkcionálne halucinácie, cenestetické a pestré telové halucinácie. Časť verbálnych halucinácií mala charakter komentujúcich halucinácií. Poruchy vnímania boli doplnené systemizovanými paranoidnými perzekučnými bludmi. Nezistili sa pre schizofréniu typické poruchy emotivity, štrukturálne poruchy myslenia ani poruchy osobnosti. Vyšetrená bola zamestnaná a vykonávala odborne kvalifikovanú prácu. Napriek približne 6-ročnému trvaniu psychickej poruchy nebola táto porucha zistená a liečená.

Kľúčové slová:
forenzne-psychiatrická prax, paranoidná psychóza, halucinácie verbálne, halucinácie reflexné, halucinácie Kahlbaumove, halucinácie telové, perzekučné bludy.

Authors: E. Kolibáš;  V. Novotný
Authors‘ workplace: Psychiatrická klinika LF UK a FNsP – pracovisko Staré Mesto, Bratislava prednosta prof. MUDr. V. Novotný, CSc.
Published in: Čes. a slov. Psychiat., 101, 2005, No. 7, pp. 367-370.
Category: Communication from the practice


The authors refer to clinical picture of paranoid – hallucination psychosis in a 55-year woman, prosecuted for a delict of damaging other people’s things. It was the case of the expert opinions, forensic and psychiatric examination. Her clinical picture was dominated with acoustic verbal hallucinations, reflex hallucinations, Kahlbaum functional hallucinations, coenesthetic and various physical hallucinations. The verbal hallucinations were partly of the character of commenting hallucinations. The disturbances of perception were supplemented with systematic paranoid persecution delusions. The disturbances in emotivity typical for schizophrenia as well as structural disturbances in thinking or personality disorders were not detected. The assessed woman was employed and performed a professionally qualified work. In spite of the about 6-year lasting mental disorder, this disorder was not detected and treated.

Key words:
forensic – psychiatric practice, paranoid psychosis, verbal hallucinations, reflex hallucinations, Kahlbaum hallucinations, physical hallucinations, persecution delusions.

Addictology Paediatric psychiatry Psychiatry
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