Perception of body weight by pharmacists and pharmaceutical laboratory assistants in Slovakia II

Authors: Jozef Kolář;  Štefánia Zabolyová
Authors‘ workplace: Farmaceutická fakulta, Ústav aplikované farmacie ;  Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2013; 62, 233-236
Category: Original Articles


The paper presents the results of a questionnaire poll carried out in the workers in pharmacies in the Slovak Republic in the year 2012. A number of 250 respondents (50.8%) were satisfied with their weight, 242 (49.2%) were not satisfied; 190 (38.6%) of them attempted to decrease the weight, 52 (10.6%) did not; 94 persons (49.5 %) attempted to decrease weight more than 3 times. 110 respondents (57.9%) actively searched for the possibilities of treatment of overweight and obesity. The most frequent source of information was the Internet (64; 57.7%). Only 43 (22.6%) participants decided to solve their problem of overweight/obesity in cooperation with an expert. As many as 127 (66.8%) respondents stated that the physician did not draw their attention to the need of decreasing their weight. The most widely used method of slimming in the workers in pharmacies was modification of eating habits (162, 84.4%). A number of 108 (56.8%) respondents reported that they were able to maintain the loss of weight.

pharmacists • pharmaceutical laboratory assistants • overweight • obesity • questionnaire opinion poll


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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology

Article was published in

Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

Issue 5

2013 Issue 5
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