Management of Uncontrolled Secondary Glaucoma with ExPRESS Glaucoma Minishunt Implantation

Authors: K. Samková;  L. Rejmont
Authors‘ workplace: Oční klinika, 1. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy a Ústřední vojenské nemocnice, Praha, přednosta doc. MUDr. Jiří Pašta, CSc., FEBO
Published in: Čes. a slov. Oftal., 69, 2013, No. 5, p. 198-200
Category: Original Article

Předneseno: Glaukomový kongres, Olomouc, duben 2012


The aim of the study was to evaluate the decrease of intraocular pressure and reduction of local as well as total therapy by patients with uncontrolled secondary glaucoma after antiglaucomatous surgery with mini implant ExPRESS. From the total of 61 eyes with this implant, operated in our clinic between years 2009-2012, were 20 patients (22 eyes) with secondary glaucoma. Of which 7 eyes with neovascular glaucoma, 4 eyes with posttraumatic, 6 eyes with postuveitic, 4 with postoperative and 1 patient with pseudo-exfoliative glaucoma. 10 patients were after pars plana vitrectomy.

In our group of patients was proven significant reduction of IOP and reduction of local and total therapy after surgery with the implant ExPRESS.

Key words:
glaucoma minishunt ExPRESS, secondary glaucoma, trabeculectomy


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Article was published in

Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

Issue 5

2013 Issue 5
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