Adjustable Versus Non-adjustable Sutures in Strabismus Surgery in Patients with Thyroid Ophthalmopathy

Authors: M. Karhanová;  O. Vláčil;  M. Šín;  K. Marešová
Authors‘ workplace: Oční klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc, přednosta doc. MUDr. Jiří Řehák, CSc., FEBO
Published in: Čes. a slov. Oftal., 68, 2012, No. 5, p. 207-213
Category: Original Article

Předneseno na XX. výročním sjezdu České oftalmologické společnosti v Plzni, 21. 9. 2012


To evaluate the results of strabismus surgery in patients with thyroid ophthalmopathy. To determine whether adjustable suture surgery is beneficial for these patients.

Materials and methods:
This study included patients who underwent strabismus surgery associated with thyroid ophthalmopathy from June 2010 to March 2012. During the observation period, 14 patients met the inclusion criteria. Seven patients underwent non-adjustable suture surgery (five women and two men) and seven patients underwent adjustable suture surgery (five women and two men). The patients’ mean age was 63 years. The preoperative ocular findings were stable for at least one year in all cases. All strabismus surgeries were performed by one surgeon. The postoperative results were recorded at follow-up visits after 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months.

In the non-adjustable suture case series, three patients were satisfied with the results (including one with a compensatory head posture). Two patients required reoperation and two prismatic correction. In the adjustable suture case series, no reoperation or prismatic correction was needed. In this group, all the patients were satisfied with the results (including one with a compensatory head posture).

Adjustable suture strabismus surgery in patients with thyroid ophthalmopathy proved to be beneficial. In our adjustable suture case series, there was a lower number of reoperations and prismatic corrections.

Key words:
restrictive strabismus, thyroid ophthalmopathy, adjustable sutures, diplopia


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Article was published in

Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

Issue 5

2012 Issue 5
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