Treatment of Angioid Streaks with Bevcizumab

Authors: M. Černák 1;  O. Markovic 2;  A. Černák 1
Authors‘ workplace: Očná klinika SZU, Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. Andrej Černák, DrSc., 2Očná klinika AKH, Linz, prednosta doc. Prglinger Siegfried M. D. 1
Published in: Čes. a slov. Oftal., 66, 2010, No. 2, p. 72-75


To evaluate the possibility to treat the chorioidal neovascularisation in angioid streaks with the help of Bevacizumab. Chorioidal neovascularisation is here the main reason responsible for destroying the vision and affects about 70–85% of patients with this disease. Material and methodic: 50 years old woman with 2 weeks anamnesis of worsening of vision on left eye. She claims deformed view in the middle of the visual field and mild decrease of visual acuity. BCVA was 0.9 and examination with Amsler grid showed line distorsion in the central part. After fundus examination, angiography and OCT we set diagnosis: angioid streaks complicated by subfoveal chorioidal neovascularisation. We proposed patient treatment with intravitreal Bevacizumab and subsequently started the therapy.

one week after bevacizumab application, patient claims vanishing of vision distortion. In four weeks metamorphopsis completely disappeared and BCVA reached 1.2. OCT and FAG showed less leakage. After initial improvement and 7 months of standstill there comes again to vision deterioration (BCVA 0.7). We were obliged to reinject 1.25 mg of Bevacizumab and VA improved to 0.9 and also the deformation was less. Three months after second injection VA was again decreased and patient was treated with third injection. Patient is followed up for period of 12 months with mild deformation of picture and VA 0.7. It was not observed any side effect of treatment.

The treatment of the chorioidal neovascularisation in angioid streaks is another possibility with the help of Bevacizumab.With this treatment can be delayed the devastation of VA with subfoveal neovascularization. It seems that the treatment is only temporaly and during the 12 months follow up came to a few relapse.

Key words:
angioid streaks, bevacizumab, subfoveal neovascularization.


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Article was published in

Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

Issue 2

2010 Issue 2
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