Physiologic IOP of Rabbit’s after Instillation Mixture of Amino Acide Lysine and Arginine in Trusopt

Authors: Z. Oláh;  J. Veselovský
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika oftalmológie LFUK, Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. P. Strmeň, CSc.
Published in: Čes. a slov. Oftal., 65, 2009, No. 6, p. 236-239
Category: Overview Report


To compare the lowering effect of the topically applicated mixture of two amino acids with different mode of action – L-lysine.2HCl.2H2O and L-arginine.HCl in the anti-glaucomaticum Trusopt on the intra ocular pressure (IOP) in rabbits.

Into the left eye of the adult female rabbits of the New Zealand White species were once instilled mixture of 10% L-lysine.2HC.2H2O and 10 % L-arginine.HCl in 2 % Trusopt. The IOP and pupillary diameter were measured before the instillation and 5th, 15th, 30th, 60th, 120th, 180th, 240th min. and 24 hours after the instillation. The right eye of the same rabbit was used as control.

Using ninhydrine reagent with colour reaction we detect, that the mixture of two amino acide L-lysine.2HCl.2H2O and L-arginine.HCl are in interaction with antiglaucomaticum 2 % Trusopt. The evidence is different violet-blue colour reaction in contrast to the typical red coloration the both amino acids. This coloration is evidence the new formation of a bioactive material with depressive effect on the IOP.

The new bioactive component significantly decreased the IOP values from the 60th min to 240th min (decrease the IOP levels was for 4.3 torr – 19.9 % in comparison with the control eye). From 5th to 40th min. after application the nonsignifant difference of the IOP was constated (in comparison with the control eye). The applicated component from 60 min showed for 3 hours a mean decrease of IOP for 3.1 torr (14.6 %). From the 60th min. after application the control eye showed little decrease of IOP levels.

In this paper we constate the two amino acids L-lysine.2HCl.2H2O and L-arginine.HCl with different structure and mode of action are in interaction with one of antiglaucomatic drugs – carboanhydrase inhibitor – the 2 % Trusopt also in vivo. Within this interaction a new bioactive substance is constated. This new “bioantiglaucomaticum” decreased significantly the IOP from 30th to 240th min.

Key words:
Interaction evidence of mixture of the amino acide lysine with arginine in Trusopt using ninhydrine colour reaction. The IOP values after instillation of L-lysine.2HCl.2H2O mixture with L-arginie.HCl in 2 % Trusopt.


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Article was published in

Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

Issue 6

2009 Issue 6
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