Spinal meningiomas –  92 patients operated at our department

Authors: R. Voldřich;  D. Netuka;  V. Beneš
Authors‘ workplace: Neurochirurgická a neuroonkologická klinika 1. LF UK a ÚVN Praha
Published in: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2019; 82(6): 664-669
Category: Original Paper
doi: https://doi.org/10.14735/amcsnn2019664


Aim: Spinal meningiomas are the most com­mon primary spinal tumors. Our retrospective study describes the results of surgical treatment and compares them to foreign series. At the same time, it gives a brief overview of selected literature.

Materials and methods: The study includes 92 patients operated between years 1998 and 2018. Clinical symp­tomatology, age, gender, risk co-morbidities, spinal level, duration of symp­toms, radicality of resection, tumor recur­rences and complications as­sociated with treatment were evaluated.

Results: We encountered the dia­gnosis more often in women (81.5%). The average age was 64 years. Most meningiomas were located in the thoracic spine (79%), and the rest (21%) in the cervical spine. The most com­mon symp­tom was motor deficit dia­gnosed in 79% of cases. Sensation disorder (70%), sphincter dysfunction (10%) or local pain (4.3%) as a major symp­tom were less com­mon. Altogether 11% of the tumors were asymp­tomatic. The mean duration of symp­toms was 10 months. 92.3% of patients underwent radical resection. The mean fol­low-up was 36 months. Dur­­ing this period, we recorded tumor recur­rence in 8.7% of operated patients. 88% of symp­tomatic patients improved postoperatively, and 2% worsened. The rest remained clinical­ly unchanged.

Conclusion: The results of surgical treatment of spinal meningiomas are favorable. Although the rate of tumor recur­rence is low, regular and long-term fol­low-up of patients is es­sential for its early dia­gnosis.

The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.

The Editorial Board declares that the manu­script met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.




结果:我们在女性中更常遇到诊断(81.5%)。平均年龄为64岁。大多数脑膜瘤位于胸椎(79%),其余(21%)位于颈椎。最常见的症状是在79%的病例中诊断出运动不足。主要症状是感觉障碍(70%),以括约肌功能障碍(10%)或局部疼痛(4.3%)为主要症状者较少见。共有11%的肿瘤无症状。症状的平均持续时间为10个月。 92.3%的患者接受了根治性切除。平均随访时间为36个月。在此期间,我们记录了8.7%的手术患者肿瘤复发。 88%的有症状患者术后改善,2%恶化。其余的在临床上保持不变。




operative treatment – Meningioma – spinal meningioma


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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery Neurology

Article was published in

Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

Issue 6

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