Epidemiology of newborns with congenital developmental defects at Motol University Hospital

Authors: K. Kalužová;  J. Janota
Authors‘ workplace: Novorozenecké oddělení s JIRP, Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha
Published in: Čes-slov Neonat 2024; 30 (1): 5-11.
Category: Reviews


Congenital developmental defects are one of the main causes of prenatal deaths, as well as neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality, which are one of the basic measures of the quality of health care in a given country. Therefore, monitoring the occurrence of congenital developmental defects and their epidemiology is an important issue. At the level of each country and also internationally at the level of the World Health Organization, registries are being created to monitor the occurrence of birth defects and their trends. Department of Neonatology in Motol University Hospital is a center concentrating patients with congenital malformations from the whole Czech Republic. In this work, we dealt with patients with congenital abnormalities hospitalized in our department and focused mainly on patients with severe abnormalities who required specialized care.


Epidemiology – multidisciplinary care – congenital developmental defects

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MUDr. Kristina Kalužová Novorozenecké oddělení s JIRP

Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 2. LF UK a FN Motol

V Úvalu 84

150 06 Praha 5 e-mail: kristina.kaluzova@fnmotol.cz

Neonatology Neonatal Nurse
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