The perspective of levetiracetam in neonatal seizures treatment

Authors: L. Čaklošová;  P. Babušík
Authors‘ workplace: Novorodenecké oddelenie, Hornooravská nemocnica s poliklinikou, Trstená
Published in: Čes-slov Neonat 2023; 29 (1): 18-22.
Category: Reviews


Neonatal seizures are one of the most common neurological emergency. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial for proper patient's management. The neuronal hyperexcitability of developing brain is an essential predisposing factor for convulsions. Brain damage is determined by seizures etiology, gestational age and EEG findings. However, an adequate therapeutic strategy is no less important for the patient's prognosis. Undiagnosed, improperly treated or refractory convulsions lead to irreversible neurological changes. Seizures can have a negative impact on further neuropsychological development and are associated with a high mortality rate. Phenobarbital is still the first line treatment for neonatal seizures, anyway, new anticonvulsive drugs are entering clinical practice. They have comparable effectiveness but lower incidence of adverse effects. One of acceptable drug from this category is Levetiracetam, which recently has significantly increased in therapeutic use.


neonatal seizures – levetiracetam – phenobarbital


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