Insufficiency fracture of the pubic ramus – „typical“ or „atypical“: a case report

Authors: Jr K Oc Ján 1;  Šteňo Boris 2
Authors‘ workplace: Oddelenie ortopédie, FNsP J. A. Reimana Prešov 1;  II. ortopedicko-traumatologická klinika LF UK a UNB, Bratislava 2
Published in: Clinical Osteology 2022; 27(2-3): 65-68


Insufficiency fractures occur in normal load on pathologically weak bone, as a result of osteoporosis. Atypical femoral fractures are well described complication of long term bisphosphonate use. With a growing geriatric population, the incidence of insufficiency fractures, as well as atypical femoral fractures, has increased. Also their early diagnostics is a problem, because they are often overlooked on first native X-ray. We present a case of patient, longterm treated with denosumab, who developed fracture of the pubic ramus. Because of delayed bone healing with unusual pattern we consider long-term anti-resorption therapy as a potentional cause of the pubic ramus fracture or factor affecting the healing of insufficiency fracture.


bisphosphonates – osteoporosis – atypical fracture – insufficiency fracture


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Clinical biochemistry Paediatric gynaecology Paediatric radiology Paediatric rheumatology Endocrinology Gynaecology and obstetrics Internal medicine Orthopaedics General practitioner for adults Radiodiagnostics Rehabilitation Rheumatology Traumatology Osteology
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