Cost‑effectiveness Analysis of Panitumumab Plus mFOLFOX6 Compared to Bevacizumab Plus mFOLFOX6 for First‑line Treatment of Patients with Wild‑type RAS Metastatic Colorectal Cancer –  Czech Republic Model Adaptation

Authors: J. Fínek 1;  J. Skoupá 2;  P. Jandová 3
Authors‘ workplace: Onkologická a radioterapeutická klinika LF UK a FN Plzeň 1;  Medicínské datové centrum, 1. LF UK v Praze 2;  Amgen s. r. o., Praha 3
Published in: Klin Onkol 2015; 28(4): 265-272
Category: Original Articles
doi: https://doi.org/10.14735/amko2015265


Pharmacoeconomic assessments are a part of the decision process not only during reimbursement setting, but in clinical practice as well. The presented cost‑effectiveness analysis assesses panitumumab + mFOLFOX6 vs. bevacizumab + mFOLFOX6 in 1st line treatment of patients with wild‑type RAS metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in the Czech environment.

Material and Methods:
The adaptation of a Markov model considers the health‑ care perspective; clinical data (efficacy, health‑ care utilization and adverse events) are derived from a head‑ to‑ head comparison (PEAK study). Health states included in the model: progression free on treatment, progression (with/ without active treatment), resection of metastases, disease‑free after successful resection and death. Actual reimbursement levels were used to estimate costs, published literature to estimate duration of 2nd line treatment. The analysis assumes a life‑ time horizon; uncertainty was limited by performing one‑ way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. Analysis outcomes are life‑years gained (LYG) and quality‑adjusted life‑years (QALYs).

Panitumumab + mFOLFOX6 is more effective and more costly in 1st line patients with wild‑type RAS mCRC. Incremental costs per QALY are 837,270 CZK, per LYG 615,022 CZK; however, below the willingness‑to‑pay threshold applied in the Czech Republic.

Panitumumab + mFOLFOX6 is cost‑effective in 1st line treatment of patients with wild‑type RAS mCRC compared to bevacizumab + mFOLFOX6 in the Czech setting.

Key words:
cost‑effectiveness –  panitumumab –  bavacizumab –  colorectal cancer

Co-author of the article Jandova P. is employed with Amgen s. r. o., Prague. She did not participate in the creation and validation of models, modeling and interpretation of results.

The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.

22. 6. 2015

28. 7. 2015


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