The Problematic of Original and Generic Drugs and Biosimilars –  Switching of Drugs Today and Tomorrow with the Main Targeting on Biotechnologies- Associated Risks

Authors: T. Svoboda
Authors‘ workplace: KOC FN Plzeň
Published in: Klin Onkol 2010; 23(6): 416-420
Category: Reviews


Cheaper drug forms have been administered more and more in the last decade in oncology and in other fields of clinical medicine, too. Their production was enabled by the end of patent protection of the original drugs used previously. The efficacy and reliability of generic drugs and primarily medicaments produced by bio­technology - so- called bio­similars –  is the most important question today. There are still some unresolved problems associated with their administration. The current knowledge concerning the safety of bio­similars and possible risks associated with their use is summarised in this review.

Key words:
original drugs –  generics –  bio­similars –  bio­technology –  pharmacokinetics –  pharmacodynamics –  immunogenicity


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Paediatric clinical oncology Surgery Clinical oncology

Article was published in

Clinical Oncology

Issue 6

2010 Issue 6
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