Cardiovascular prevention news

Authors: Kvapil T.
Authors‘ workplace: I. interní klinika – kardiologická LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2020, 22(2): 82-85


Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death and a major cause of disability in Western countries. Cardiovascular prevention is defined as a coordinated set of actions, at the population level or targeted at individuals, that are aimed at eliminating or minimising the impact of cardiovascular diseases and their consequences. Current guidelines recommend an assessment of the total cardiovascular risk since atherosclerosis is usually the product of multiple, interacting risk factors. A lifelong approach to cardiovascular risk is important since both cardiovascular risk and prevention are dynamic and continuous as patients age and accumulate co-morbidities. Compared with the previous guidelines, the new guidelines place a greater emphasis on a population-based approach.


obesity – metabolic syndrome – cardiovascular prevention – cardiovascular disease – smoking prevention – hypolipidemic therapy


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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery Cardiology

Article was published in

Cardiology Review

Issue 2

2020 Issue 2
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