The Endocrinology of aging –  short overview

Authors: F. Gabalec;  J. Čáp
Authors‘ workplace: IV. interní hematologická klinika LF UK a FN Hradec Králové
Published in: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2015, 17(2): 181-183
Category: Internal Medicine


Human life extension in developed countries and related social, medical and economic consequences have become a growing matter of public concern. Impaired physical and mental performance in elderly individuals is not necessarily caused by age and deserves adequate dia­gnosis and therapy. Endocrine causes can be missed due to comorbidities and less frequent typical symp­toms. This review focuses on endocrine changes in aging.

endocrinology –  hormones – aging


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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery Cardiology

Article was published in

Cardiology Review

Issue 2

2015 Issue 2
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