Diagnostic possibilities of peripheral arterial disease

Authors: I. Hofírek
Authors‘ workplace: LF MU a FN U sv. Anny, Brno ;  I. interní kardioangiologická klinika
Published in: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2006, 8(1-2): 56-58
Category: Editorial


The article describes diagnostic possibilities of peripheral arterial disease, among other, from the perspective of practical application. Also, it informs about instrumental methods and their application in angiology. The basic test for determination of ABI is supported by Doppler and duplex sonography that is today the primary diagnostic technique used almost in every peripheral arterial disease. Later on, the article focuses on angiographic examinations (contrast DSA, MRI, CT) and, finally, on methods of examination of peripheral circulation examination.

Ischemic disease – atherosclerosis – aneurysm – Doppler sonography – duplex sonography – contrast angiography – magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – CT-angiography


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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery Cardiology

Article was published in

Cardiology Review

Issue 1-2

2006 Issue 1-2
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