Psoriasis as a risk factor for cardiovascular events: case report

Authors: Branislav Vohnout 1,2,3;  Jana Lisičanová 3;  Andrea Havranová 4
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav výživy, FOaZOŠ a Koordinačné centrum pre familiárne hyperlipoproteinémie, SZU v Bratislave 1;  Ústav epidemiológie LF UK, Bratislava 2;  Diabetologická ambulancia, Diabeda s. r. o., Bratislava 3;  Ústav klinického a translačného výskumu, Biomedicínske centrum SAV, Bratislava 4
Published in: AtheroRev 2019; 4(1): 44-48


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by Th cell dysfunction and overexpression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The disease is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors, such as dyslipidemia, central obesity and insulin resistance. Possible mechanisms linking psoriasis and atherosclerosis are related not only to inflammation but include also metabolic derangement and lipoprotein abnormalities. Patients with psoriasis are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly those with severe psoriasis.


Psoriasis – Atherosclerosis

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Angiology Diabetology Internal medicine Cardiology General practitioner for adults

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Athero Review

Issue 1

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