On the 110th anniversary of medical rescue service in Olomouc

Authors: J. Vetešník
Authors‘ workplace: Komise pro historii ČSARIM ;  Zdravotnická záchranná služba Olomouckého kraje, Olomouc
Published in: Anest. intenziv. Med., 31, 2020, č. 5, s. 246-248
Category: Review Articles


The Emergency Service in Olomouc "Freiwillige Rettungsgesellschaft Olmütz" was established on October 4, 1910 as a volunteer association dealing with providing first aid and transportation of the sick and wounded. The Viennese Protective Society was a model example for them. The activities of the Olomouc "Freiwillige Rettungsgesellschaft" were limited after 1925, and after that the Czech rescue service "First Aid in Olomouc" was preferred by the City Council. The emergency service station with an ambulance car and portraits of the founders, Dr. Alois Karschulin and notary Richard Mader, is on display on a shooting target board from 1911 (placed in the Regional Museum’s depository in Olomouc).


Freiwillige Rettungsgesellschaft Olmütz – The Emergency Service in Olomouc – Olomouc Medical Rescue Service – Dr. Alois Karschulin – Richard Mader – history of medicine


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Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Inten Intensive Care Medicine

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Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Issue 5

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