Authors: I. Justan;  O. Coufal ;  L. Gabrielová;  O. Zapletal;  P. Hýža;  P. Krsička
Authors‘ workplace: Masaryk Oncology Institute, Department of Surgical Oncology, Brno, Czech Republic
Published in: ACTA CHIRURGIAE PLASTICAE, 57, 3-4, 2015, pp. 69
Category: Selected abstracts from the 36th national congress of the czech society plastic surgery with international participation


Since 2007, the two-stage breast reconstruction became the method of choice for suitable candidates with breast carcinoma at the Masaryk Oncology Institute. We use two-stage alloplasty method with a tissue expander, which is later exchanged for a definite silicone implant. Our study is reviewing success of this method since its introduction within a 5-year period from the patient viewpoint. The goal of the work was to evaluate subjective satisfaction with the results of this type of reconstruction.


Since January 2007 till October 2013 we performed this immediate reconstruction method in 77 patients. The age range was 24 - 70 years, average age 43, median of age 45 years. In 31 cases it was unilateral procedure; in 46 cases bilateral procedure. From these we contacted 62 women with a simple questionnaire with the goal to evaluate satisfaction after the reconstruction. We received 57 questionnaires back. The results were processed using descriptive characteristics and statistical tests.


Return rate of questionnaires was 92%. Most patients (56/57) would choose this procedure again. Most patients (48/57) are relatively satisfied with the reconstruction. Women evaluate their appearance in front of a mirror much better in clothes than without clothes. Most (8/14) women under 50 years of age with unilateral operation would choose the current bilateral prophylactic mastectomy with bilateral reconstruction, if they were to choose again. With regards to the feeling of femininity, the patients consider themselves great or very good; in common life situations among people predominates great feeling, mainly after bilateral operation. A bit worse feeling experience women during erotic contact with another person and almost half of them reports occasional pain in the area of the reconstructed breast. Women emphasize importance of sufficient information before this procedure.


For some patients with breast carcinoma is immediate alloplastic two stage breast reconstruction an appropriate choice. With regards to less natural cosmetic result of this method, it is necessary to choose the candidates carefully and provide them sufficient amount of relevant information beforehand. With regards to the results of our study seems the bilateral operation to be subjectively better evaluated.

Support: The work was supported by the project MŠMT – NPU I – LO1413 and MZ ČR – RVO (MOÚ, 00209805).

Plastic surgery Orthopaedics Burns medicine Traumatology

Article was published in

Acta chirurgiae plasticae

Issue 3-4

2015 Issue 3-4
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