Cough Therapy

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HPD 2024: Czech data from real-world practice confirm that mucolytic treatment can reduce COPD exacerbations, even in the future

24. 5. 2024 Source: Cough Therapy

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a global issue. Does it create the same burden everywhere? How does it contribute to premature deaths? How do women cope with COPD, and what significant problem does it pose for them? What factors contribute to it not being considered solely a smoker's disease? Why is it appropriate to add mucoactive agents when trying to eliminate COPD exacerbations? What emerged from early COPD screening conducted in the Czech Republic, and what do Czech real-world data show regarding the effectiveness of…


HPD 2024: Bronchitis as an Early Feature of PreCOPD, Role of Mucus Plugs in COPD, and New Findings on Their Exacerbations

Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) significantly affect disease…
24. 5. 2024 Source: Cough Therapy

Bacterial Biofilm as a Complication of Respiratory Disease Treatment

One of the unique characteristics of certain microorganisms is their ability to form organized…
28. 11. 2023 Source: Cough Therapy

Articles on this topic
respiračního systém

Impact of erdostein on bacterial biofilm − and what it means for clinical practice?

One of the substances that could potentially influence the success of treatments for…
28. 11. 2023 Source: Cough Therapy

ERS 2023: Erdostein and its Metabolite Met-1 Modulate Innate Immunity and Oxidative Stress in SARS-CoV-2 Infection

As part of the September congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS 2023), the issue of…
18. 10. 2023 Source: Cough Therapy
Screening plic

Screenings of Lung Cancer and COPD are Significant. What Do the Latest Data from Czechia Say?

At the end of January, an expert seminar was held, focusing on updates in the treatment of…
12. 4. 2023 Source: Cough Therapy
C-reaktivní protein

Viral or Bacterial Etiology? Old Question, New Methods...

The gold standard in the differential diagnosis of viral and bacterial respiratory infections…
13. 12. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy

How Does Erdosteine Perform in Combination with Antibiotics?

Erdosteine is an oral mucoactive drug that reduces mucus viscosity by degrading disulfide…
1. 11. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy

Benefit of Adding Erdosteine to Maintenance Treatment of COPD

Erdosteine is a mucoactive drug with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-adhesive effects…
1. 11. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy
mezinárodní kongres

ERS 2022: What Insights Do Studies Focused on COPD Biomarkers Bring?

In this year's scientific program of the international congress of the European Respiratory…
1. 11. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy
CHOPN_starý muž

Need for Early Intervention in COPD − A Suitable Time for Mucolytic Treatment

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) ranks third among the leading causes of morbidity…
24. 5. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy

What Did 3 Years of Data from the Czech National COPD Database Reveal?

In December of last year, the Czech multicenter research database on COPD was completed. This…
24. 5. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy
preskribce léků

COPD is Treated Differently Across Europe – What Could Be the Reasons for This Variability?

As part of this year's Hradec Pneumological Days (HPD 2022), the head of the Pulmonary Clinic…
24. 5. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy

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