

Current Treatment Options for Multiple Myeloma

10. 2. 2022 Source: Hematologic Malignancies

Multiple myeloma (MM) accounts for about 10% of all hematologic malignancies. Thanks to advancements in diagnostic methods, it is now understood as a collection of several cytologically distinct plasma cell malignancies. Alongside progress in diagnostics, there has also been rapid development in therapy, significantly improving survival rates for this previously very unfavorable diagnosis, especially in the last 15 years.


In decisions about therapeutic strategy in multiple myeloma, patient preferences and concerns also play a crucial role

The perspective on the preferences of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) is very necessary at a…
10. 2. 2022 Source: Hematologic Malignancies
farmakologie farmakokinetika

Pharmacokinetic Comparison of Two EHL Products in Hemophilia A

According to a Canadian study published last year, certain pharmacokinetic differences were…
8. 2. 2022 Source: Hemophilia
hypertenze léky

Efficacy and Safety of the Combination of Telmisartan and Amlodipine with Hydrochlorothiazide in the Treatment of Hypertension

The aim of the study by Korean authors was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of the triple…
8. 2. 2022 Source: Sartans in the Treatment of Hypertension
nemocniční postel rozhovor lékaře s pacientem

Effect of Administering Ferric Carboxymaltose on Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients

The quality of life in patients with heart failure is significantly reduced. The concurrent…
7. 2. 2022 Source: Iron Deficiency and Anemia
mlady muz u zubare

CASE STUDY: Surgical Procedure in an Adolescent Patient with Severe Hemophilia A on Emicizumab Prophylaxis

This case study is narrated by MUDr. Bohumír Blažek from the Clinic of Pediatric Medicine at LF OU and...
1. 2. 2022 Source: Quality Life Even with Hemophilia
farmakokinetický protokol krev zkumavky

Practical Two-Point Pharmacokinetic Protocol in Hemophilia A

A recently published study confirmed the practicality of a shortened and simple pharmacokinetic…
31. 1. 2022 Source: Hemophilia
srdce strava jídlo životní styl diabetes kardiovaskulární

Diabetic Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy: How to Detect This Serious Diagnosis and Why Is It Dangerous?

Diabetic autonomic neuropathy can affect various organ systems. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy…
27. 1. 2022 Source: Diabetes
tablety ilu

Memantine in Dementia Therapy – Current Findings and Possible Future Applications

Memantine is an inhibitor of NMDA receptors, which are pathologically activated by excessive…
26. 1. 2022 Source: Cognitive in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
kůže atopic dítě dermatitida ekzém

Dupilumab Now Covered for Atopic Dermatitis in Children Older Than 6 Years

Dupilumab is now fully covered by public health insurance for pediatric patients from 6 years old…
22. 1. 2022 Source: Systemic treatment of atopic dermatitis, asthma, and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis – Type 2 inflammation
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