Lung Recovery After COVID-19: How Reversible is the Damage?
During the virtual XXV Hradec Pulmonology Days held in April 2021, various aspects concerning COVID-19 were among the major topics. Dr. Bram van den Borst from Radboud University Nijmegen provided a comprehensive summary of current insights regarding lung recovery following an infection.
Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetics Through Hypertension Treatment
The presence of hypertension in patients with diabetes worsens overall cardiovascular (CV)…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Non-specific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Are Not Evolutionarily Related Diseases
The authors of the presented work attempted to compare the geographical distribution of irritable bowel...
Can antihypertensive treatment also have a beneficial effect on neurocognitive functions?
Observational studies suggest that a desirable side effect of AT1 receptor blockers for angiotensin…
Are there mutual interactions between candesartan and amlodipine in the combination therapy of hypertension?
Monotherapy is often insufficient in the treatment of hypertension; however, combining…
INFOGRAPHIC: LDL Cholesterol - Recommended Target Values
Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol are a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, which...
How did alemtuzumab fare in real clinical practice?
A study published by authors from the University of Massachusetts in January this year in the…
Reduction of LDL Cholesterol in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality – Results of a Large Meta-Analysis
Elevated LDL cholesterol (LDL-c) is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis. The meta-analysis…
Does Peritoneal Dialysis Have Its Place Even in Acute Cases?
In patients who urgently need to replace kidney function, hemodialysis traditionally played the…
Safety of Urgent Initiation of Peritoneal Dialysis
In case of urgent need for kidney function replacement, hemodialysis (HD) with a temporary venous…