We recommend Primary Immunodeficiency (PID)

Experience with 20% subcutaneous immunoglobulin in the treatment of primary immunodeficiency

12. 9. 2024 Source: medScope.pro

Pacientům s primárním protilátkovým deficitem se podává substituční imunoglobulinová (Ig) léčba pro prevenci rekurentních infekcí. Nezaslepená studie fáze III hodnotila účinnost a bezpečnost 20% roztoku IgG pro subkutánní podání ve srovnání s terapií 10% roztokem podávaným intravenózně. Nabízíme stručný souhrn jejích výsledků.

The Benefit of Liposomal Irinotecan in the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer in a Young Patient – A Case Study

9. 9. 2024 Source: Treatment of Gastrointestinal Carcinomas

Pancreatic tumors continue to be a challenge in modern oncology. Due to the asymptomatic nature of early stages, most cases are diagnosed in advanced stages. The five-year survival rate of patients does not even reach 10%, and up to half of patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer never make it to the second line of systemic therapy due to the rapid deterioration of their overall clinical condition. In a case study from her own practice, Dr. Marie Beneš Kočová from the Oncology Department of České Budějovice Hospital shared her experience…

Each Missed Dose of Thromboprophylaxis in Trauma Patients Significantly Increases the Risk of VTE

6. 9. 2024 Source: medScope.pro

Dostupná data ukazují, že profylaxe enoxaparinem účinně snižuje výskyt žilní tromboembolie (VTE), a to bez významného zvýšení rizika krvácení. I přes tyto důkazy se podání profylaxe u pacientů po traumatu často přerušuje, zejména kvůli chirurgickým výkonům. Recentně publikovaná americká studie vyčíslila souvislost mezi VTE a vynecháním dávek enoxaparinu u pacientů po úrazu nebo velké operaci.

Biosimilars in the Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolism

4. 9. 2024 Source: Thromboprophylaxis

Nízkomolekulární hepariny jsou zlatým standardem antitrombotické profylaxe u chirurgických i interních pacientů. Od roku 2016 je v EU registrován první biosimilární enoxaparin – Inhixa. Italská studie přináší výsledky hodnocení jeho účinnosti a bezpečnosti v prevenci žilní tromboembolie v reálné klinické praxi i jejich porovnání se sdruženými daty u srovnatelné populace pacientů z klinických studií s originálním enoxaparinem.

With MD Eva Drbohlavová on Innovations in the Treatment of von Willebrand Disease and Improving Patients' Quality of Life

17. 7. 2024 Source: Von Willebrand Disease

Von Willebrand Disease (vWD), as the most common congenital bleeding disorder, remains underdiagnosed. However, thanks to new insights and advances in genetic testing, both diagnosis and long-term prophylaxis of the disease are gradually improving, leading to a significant reduction in bleeding and better quality of life for patients. We discuss this in more detail with MD Eva Drbohlavová from the Department of Clinical Hematology at the Regional Hospital Liberec.

Artificial Intelligence Helps Dentists Find Cavities or Create Implants

10. 7. 2024 Source: medScope.pro

Just like in other fields of medicine, artificial intelligence (AI) has been experiencing a significant boom in dental medicine recently. It finds use in several areas here – diagnosis, treatment planning, or predicting possible outcomes. The following paragraphs will focus on a brief overview of specific activities where artificial intelligence can help dentists in the future.

The Role of Inflammation in the Cardiovascular Continuum and the Aging Process

9. 7. 2024 Source: Risk factors of cardiovascular diseases

Inflammation plays a role at various stages of the cardiovascular (CV) continuum, in both atherosclerotic and non-atherosclerotic CV diseases. Where to look for inflammation in the pathophysiology of CV diseases, why inflammation is related to aging, and how to utilize these findings in clinical practice was explained in a lecture by MUDr. Peter Wohlfahrt, Ph.D., from the Center of Preventive Cardiology IKEM in Prague, at the XXXII Annual Meeting of the Czech Cardiology Society.

Subcutaneous vs. Intravenous Immunoglobulins in Patients with CLL

8. 7. 2024 Source: Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies

Secondary antibody immunodeficiency is a common complication in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and infections, along with secondary malignancies, are the leading cause of death in these patients. Hypogammaglobulinemia can be managed with immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IGRT). Besides the classic intravenous form (IVIG), a subcutaneous form (SCIG) is also available. An Italian retrospective study published in the journal Current Oncology compared their efficacy in secondary immunodeficiency in CLL patients.

řeč AI

Talking without vocal cords? A new AI-supported technology may help

A team of bioengineers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has developed a thin,…
3. 7. 2024 Source: medScope.pro

Bimekizumab in the treatment of moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa – another approved indication for this biological agent

In May, the primary results of the BE HEARD I and II studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of…
1. 7. 2024 Source: Psoriasis
renální kolika

Current European Recommendations for the Treatment of Renal Colic Due to Urolithiasis

At the annual congress in Milan in 2023, new recommendations from the European Association of…
21. 6. 2024 Source: Analgesia

Efficacy and Safety of Fenfluramine in the Treatment of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome – An Overview of Current Knowledge

In a recently published article, British authors summarize the current knowledge on the efficacy…
21. 6. 2024 Source: Rare Diseases in Neurology
Tourette syndrome

Possibilities of Cannabis Use in Tourette Syndrome Therapy

A retrospective analysis and online survey conducted at a psychiatric clinic in Hanover, Germany,…
20. 6. 2024 Source: Medical Cannabis

Bimekizumab in the Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis

Arthritis can appear in up to a third of patients with psoriasis, mostly after the onset of skin…
20. 6. 2024 Source: Rheumatic Diseases

OHD 2024: What’s New in Data and Experiences from Real Practice with Venetoclax Regimens?

How to utilize venetoclax regimens most effectively for treating chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)…
19. 6. 2024 Source: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Hybrid Cooperative Complexes in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Intra-articular application of corticosteroids and hyaluronic acid is part of the treatment of osteoarthritis...
18. 6. 2024 Source: Pain Management
digitalizace zdravotnictví

Patient Journey Through the Danish Healthcare System with the Help of Digital Technologies – An Illustrative Case Study

The innovation and high degree of digitalization in Danish healthcare are well known around the…
18. 6. 2024 Source: medScope.pro

Off-label use of eye drops containing bromfenac in the treatment of cystoid macular edema in the only seeing eye of a complex patient – case report

The following case report discusses the effect of repeated use of an ophthalmic preparation containing...
14. 6. 2024 Source: Treatment of Glaucoma
sepse hloubkové učení

Impact of a Deep Learning Model Predicting Sepsis on Quality of Care and Survival

Early recognition of sepsis is crucial for better patient prognosis. The following study presents…
13. 6. 2024 Source: medScope.pro
výška u deti

Somapacitan administered once weekly in the treatment of children with growth hormone deficiency – current understanding

Somapacitan is a long-acting derivative of recombinant human growth hormone approved for the…
12. 6. 2024 Source: Growth Disorders
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